Looking at my learners and where they were at, I made the decision to have my inquiry look at how I could raise my learners achievement by them feeling confident about knowing the essential spelling words. As shown below in my Backward Mapping diagram.
Target student word knowledge has improved but connections between these words and reading are not there. Target students know words in isolation but are not yet able to use in an independent reading/writing context. Observations of Anna Salmon (PBS Reading Recovery teacher) have allowed me to introduce several activities to help my students make the connections in independent reading/writing contexts. Data analysis has been ongoing and maps current progress. This is particularly useful when I refer back to my original backwards map.
- These are some of the changes I have made in my practice because of my teacher inquiry:
- Introduction of visual scaffolds (eg: flash cards) used across curriculum areas
- Teacher modelling of language that students are to use in writing and strategies such as searching for words on alphabet card and sound out).
- Implemented Reading Recovery word knowledge strategies (eg: drop counters in cup when hear sound/letter shapes)
- Timetable changed to cater for late students
- Phonics
Going forward after talking to our PBS Col - Robyn Anderson I will be implementing these activities for learners at school and home as ways to make the connections:
- Kete talanoa
- Heather Collins
- Word jigsaw to introduced as part of guided session and home reading activities