
Friday, June 25, 2021

DFI - Day 8


Day 8

Chalk 'n Talk - Kerry (via Meet)

Computational Thinking

Digital fluent - comfortable and confident teaching online and taking it to another level - to know what to use and how to use it. Delivering effective teaching - When and why we use digital 

Digital Technology - can create new digital solutions.

  • Teaching with digit is a collaborative environment with you as the teacher and the students.

  • Programming so the students are designers.
  • Rather than calling it coding change the word to programming - it widens the expectation of what the student thinks they can do or are capable of doing.

Empowered - Dorothy

  • Money doesn't buy you happiness but it does buy you power
  • The average wage for our local area is $19,000 p/a
  • Technology is a tool BUT not just a tool - this is where the empowerment come from.
  • Reflection is key when ensuring the work shared with the students is not only entertaining to keep their attention but also empowers them - this in return empowers you the teacher digitally.
  • 5+ backwards and forwards conversation teaching the framework to increase their oral language - this also works in blogging (writing) to support them by harnessing the conversation in blogging. 

  • We all have a different ending to what empowering students is.
A recent example of empowerment is of a year 8 student in my maths group who came up to me when she had finished her work and said "thank you for making me smart Mrs Fisi'iahi".  She had been working on multiplication and understood the strategies she had been learning.  This had empowered her to the point where she was helping her peers with their learning of the strategies, therefore she in turn was empowering others.

Deep Dive - The Future of Tech - Jacob
  • Will robots replace jobs or will they enable more creativity?
  • We as educators are preparing our students for future jobs that don't currently exist yet.
  • preparing students for a constantly changing future
  • the need to upskill and become lifelong learners
  • Moral dilemmas are might be a large challenge for future technology practices
  • All jumping around characters are called sprites
  • backgrounds are called stage
  • movement is called motion
  • game needs to start this is called an event
  • operators are when we join things together eg do this and that will happen
  • variables are something that holds numbers - things that can change

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Teacher Inquiry 2021: Introduction

This year I have moved from NE to Y7/8 and to say it's a huge change is an understatement.

I share a class with Robyn Anderson this year we have decided to carry out the same teacher inquiry, just with different students. This means we have a wider net thrown and are on a learning journey together. Something that teachers who share a class should do. The detailed information about our inquiry can be found on Robyn’s blog as she is the in-school COL teacher for PBS. 

After this introductory post I will be reflecting on my own teaching practice and whilst our inquiry focus is the same, I fully expect the changes and adaptations in teacher practice to be quite different.

Below I have captured my time point 1 data of my focus students. By asking the question Will a focus on oral language in maths accelerate student confidence and capability to use spoken and written maths vocabulary and language? I will be analysing the data going forward compared to previous data captured.


Friday, June 18, 2021

DFI - Day 7


Day 7 


Being Cybersmart - Vicki

  • A4 - any time, any where, any pace, any one
  • Visible - personal and amplified

Ubiquitous - Dorothy
  • most of the academic learning is done throughout the school day
  • cultural and informal learning outside of the school day
  • learning can be done all day
  • rewindable learning - capturing what is the learner is learning so they can go back to it when they need to review their thinking
  • paired shared thinking and castafy to utilise rewindable learning - if the learning experience isn't what you required for rewindable - delete it

  • it's not ok to share one to one devices - every student must be able to use their own device
  • 1-1 means every student has their own ipad with their name on it - not sharing
  • as a teacher you start using your computer to make the learning - do the work required on slides on your laptop then download the EE on your ipad - look that the slides can be seen on ipad.
  • make your own video that shows students how to look after their ipad - kawa of care
  • once a file has been saved on EE and goes to the cloud it has to be downloaded again to be repurposed - or it can be uploaded as a video.
  • desktop version of Blogger does not look good on Ipads - blogger app has been designed to aid this
EE - is just an online whiteboard 
  • you have to remember to tap what you want done - eg if you want part of a picture coloured in
  • you can record your voice with the insert new and leave instructions next to something
  • works like a slide dec - can add slide - tap the numbers and it gives you a preview and navigate between slides
  • share as an image file if there is no movement or sound on it - or if there is more than one slide or sound/movement it must be shared as a video file

Reflecting on the Kaupapa of the Manaiakalani Programme in light of COVID 19 , and my readiness for ubiquitous learning...

  • What are you proud of? That we had such an amazing online presence from our students and the amount and quality of work they produced was outstanding.

  • What do you regret? That we didn't have multiple Google meet practices pre Covid.

Friday, June 11, 2021

DFI - Day 6


Leading learning using Google Sites - Vicki

Five affordances causing accelerate shift

  • engagement
  • teaching conversations
  • cognitive challenge
  • visibility
  • scaffolding
Why are we creating a site?  
  • one stop shop to access all the learning
  • able to learn anywhere, anytime, any place
  • rewindable learning - go back and revisit the learning - can continuously add to it.
  • personalise content 
  • visible teaching and planning
  • one place for all the information - learning, reminders eg togs etc
  • consistency - for all year groups

Visual appeal and functionality
  • pick a theme eg pick a colour and use those shades or complementary colours
  • layout consistent - plan your content before you plan your pages
  • 2 x heading font and main text font
  • learning no more than 3 clicks away
  • check that content is visible - you can check on a incognito window
  • links to class blog and student blogs

Evaluating Class Sites

What works well - Visual appearance
  • hooking people in - visual engagement
  • visual experience - can you find the stuff you need.
  • complimenting colours
  • clear site fonts/buttons
What dosen't work well - Visual appearance
  • too much colour
  • too cluttered
  • white writing on a light background

What works well - User experience
  • able to be easily accessed by learners and whanau
  • a few clicks to where the learning is

What dosen't work well - User experience

What is the first thing we are looking at? 
  • Banger needs to be visually appealing and user friendly
  • Have a good site plan before you start
Site buttons 
  • make them personal to your class
  • use photos of the students 
  • use free picture site eg pixabay 
  • put in what size you want in draw - eg banner in cm will be different than buttons in cm
  • download draw image with 'png'
  • once a button has been done - a set template eg circle, size etc then you can go to replace image and it keeps the same dimensions. 
  • you can replace the shape keeping the same format - eg change circle to triangle
  • use 'color pick eye color' to help with colour combinations.

Friday, June 4, 2021

DFI - Day 5


Connecting with Manaiakalani: Dorothy

  • Making teaching and learning visible - no surprises - accessible, available, advance
  • Visible
    to teachers and learners

Multi Modal Deep Dive - Vicki 

  • Engagement
  • Personalised Learning
  • Accelerated achievement
  • Empowerment - making choices

Chalk ‘n Talk: Jeremy

  • plan the layout of your site before you begin
  • create a folder in your drive to keep all your content
  • customise to your liking - something that will attract attention to the desired content
  • publish your site for others to see

My Site