This year I have moved from NE to Y7/8 and to say it's a huge change is an understatement.
I share a class with Robyn Anderson this year we have decided to carry out the same teacher inquiry, just with different students. This means we have a wider net thrown and are on a learning journey together. Something that teachers who share a class should do. The detailed information about our inquiry can be found on Robyn’s blog as she is the in-school COL teacher for PBS.
After this introductory post I will be reflecting on my own teaching practice and whilst our inquiry focus is the same, I fully expect the changes and adaptations in teacher practice to be quite different.
Below I have captured my time point 1 data of my focus students. By asking the question Will a focus on oral language in maths accelerate student confidence and capability to use spoken and written maths vocabulary and language? I will be analysing the data going forward compared to previous data captured.
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